Monday, January 14, 2013

Education Now Completely Paperless With Edmodo, The Classroom Facebook!

Edmodo is a social network specialized for education, specifically student-teacher interaction with an option for parents to review the progress of their children at school. LinkedIn’s, the professional networking site’s founder Reid Hoffman sees a great future for a social network that enhances the school learning experience and has invested in the start up venture.

The new home screen puts a feed of your students' activity in the right hand column, puts links to all of your courses in the left hand column, and puts tabs to access and manage courses at the top of your center column. This is just like what I see when I log in to manage my Facebook page.

Edmodo's new insights tab lets you quickly see how your students are reacting to the content that you post for them. You can also use the insights tab to post feedback to your students.

Edmodo claims that schools can create a paperless classroom in 2013 with-

Edmodo Groups - Create, share, and manage class content. Students can submit homework, assignments, quizzes and more to you through Edmodo.
Edmodo Planner - Stay organized with a calendar and task list. When you create an assignment, quiz, or event, the due date automatically shows up on your students' planners.
Edmodo Progress - Manage grading, reporting, and student progress. Your students' grades are automatically entered when you grade quizzes and assignments.

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